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- News (All) | Vidas Y Suenos
Latest News Rainwater Harvesting Project: 2nd Visit and 1st Round of Water Tanks 2nd Visit for meetings and first round of water tanks have arrived! Read More Rainwater Harvesting Project: Home visits of potential beneficiaries We visited people living in high marginalization in the community of Yaxe, in order to select the beneficiaries of the rainwater harvesting systems. Read More Transversal Communities: Stage 2 of Embroidery Course (Tenencia Las Casas in Santa María) we continued with the second session of the embroidery course with textile painting application for Tenencia Las Casas in Santa María. Read More Meeting with Authorities of the 6 Municipal Agencies Meeting with Authorities of the 6 Municipal Agencies Read More Transversal Communities: Stage 2 of Embroidery Course We conducted our second stage of our embroidery course where we will improve our designs from first session. Read More 2023 Projects and Goals “Comunidades Transversales” project. We want to highlight what is planned for this year as we continue Integrate the communities Read More Ready for a New Year! We began the year by meeting with the new authorities of the communities benefiting from our programs. Read More Bioconstruction project: Conclusion of Kitchen Building Conclusion our Kitchen building for Bioconstruction project in the community of Lobera Peras Read More Wheelchair donations from Chair The Love Wheelchair donations from Chair The Love to those who suffer from a degenerative disease. Read More Visit from Stanford University Visit from Stanford University to share and interview the beneficiaries of our “Water Harvesting Project” in Yaxe Ocotlán. Read More Bioconstruction project: Step 2 of Kitchen Building Second step of our Kitchen building for Bioconstruction project in the community of Lobera Peras Read More Bioconstruction project: Step 1 of Kitchen Building Starting our Kitchen building for Bioconstruction project in the community of Lobera Peras Read More Transversal Communities: Stage 1 of Embroidery Course First stage of embroidery course in creating new design. Read More
- Donate | Vidas Y Suenos
Donate If you are interested in donating to help fund our programs please reach out to us or Click Here to Donate and in your comment mention Vidas y Suenos.
- Non-profit | Vidas Y Suenos
Updates and News Transversal Communities: Stage 2 of Embroidery Course We conducted our second stage of our embroidery course where we will improve our designs from first session. About Us Vidas y Suenos is a non-profit organization who strives to help under privileged communities through programs, we develop their skills to improve their nutrition, health and education competencies. LEARN MORE Our Methodology Our methodology is based on a systematic approach to work, together with the community and specialist, social programs to improve the living conditions at individual and community level. It is focus on vulnerable people, families and communities in Oaxaca. At individual level, through training programs, we develop their skills to improve their nutrition, health and education competencies. At community level, we develop programs to give them access to potable water, clean and low cost energy, better housing, hygiene and sustainable practices, and creation of local production systems to improve their social and economic situation. Our Mission To contribute and improving the quality of life of communities with limited economic resources, through actions, programs, projects and development. Our Vision Building productive, healthy and educated communities through the implementation of sustainable resources.
- Bioconstruction project: Conclusion of Kitchen Building
< Back Bioconstruction project: Conclusion of Kitchen Building Vidas y Suenos Conclusion our Kitchen building for Bioconstruction project in the community of Lobera Peras We were able to conclude the building the kitchen from our Bio-construction Projects. The objective of the bioconstruction project was to train the inhabitants of the community of "La Lobera", mainly women. From beginning to end, they learned about the construction process, whose main material is the earth of the region. In the process we also involved the children, in order to gradually recover this constructive tradition with a high degree of sustainability. #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #ApoyandoMexico #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow Previous Next
- Visit from Stanford University
< Back Visit from Stanford University Vidas y Suenos Visit from Stanford University to share and interview the beneficiaries of our “Water Harvesting Project” in Yaxe Ocotlán. This past weekend we had the pleasure to have members from Stanford University to share and interview the beneficiaries of our “Water Harvesting Project” in Yaxe Ocotlán. We started with an introduction meeting with the teachers from Stanford and our team. Followed by a teacher training with coordinator Catalina Lopez at BECARI. We then headed to Yaxe Ocotlan Community to interview the 18 beneficiaries. In each interview with the 18 beneficiaries of the Water Harvesting Project, Stanford University, CA, donated a pantry as a thank you for their willingness to do the interviews. In these interviews, the beneficiaries were asked about the benefits of the project and the future challenges they face. #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #ApoyandoMexico #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow Previous Next
- Ready for a New Year!
< Back Ready for a New Year! Vidas y Suenos We began the year by meeting with the new authorities of the communities benefiting from our programs. We began the year by meeting with the new authorities of the communities benefiting from our programs. In this case the Teniente, elected by the Usos y Costumbres system in the small community of San Antonio Las Casas. The objective is to present ourselves to the authorities so that they feel taken into account and to involve them in the development of the workshops and support we offer, in this way we work together with the community authorities to better structure our activities. #ApoyandoMexico #helpinghands #comunidad #helpingmexico #oaxacamexico #communityservice #givingbackfeelsgood #yaxeoaxaca #lascasasoaxaca #anahuacoaxaca #sanmiguelperasoaxaca #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow Previous Next
- Bioconstruction project: Step 2 of Kitchen Building
< Back Bioconstruction project: Step 2 of Kitchen Building Vidas y Suenos Second step of our Kitchen building for Bioconstruction project in the community of Lobera Peras We contiue our second stage of bioconstruction of the kitchen with the wattle and daub technique which was done in 5 steps. Step 1: The clay is prepared by making a paste of earth mixed with some natural fibers such as pine resin or wood shavings (sawdust). Step 2: We continue applying the mud on the reed structure. Step 3: The participation of the children has been very important because we are transmitting to the next generation the values of sustainable architecture and community work. Step 4: In order to save material, bottles and plastic cans are used to save material. Step 5: Stones, bricks and even glass bottles are used as skylights. #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #ApoyandoMexico #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow Previous Next
- Bioconstruction project: Step 1 of Kitchen Building
< Back Bioconstruction project: Step 1 of Kitchen Building Derek Wells Starting our Kitchen building for Bioconstruction project in the community of Lobera Peras The objective is to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the bioconstruction workshop given on May 14, 2022, to the coordinators of the Child to Child Program and benefit a low-income family in the community of Lobera Peras. With the elaboration of this prototype we also seek to revive this construction technique in the communities to strengthen sustainable development. Step 1. Layout and measurement of the kitchen area. Step 2. Excavation to bury the poles Step 3. Placement of wood and reed strips. Step 4. They are placed at a separation of between 8 and 10 cms. maximum. Step 5. Preparation of the mixture of earth, sarcina and sand to make the mud. Step 6. Placement of the mud. #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #ApoyandoMexico #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow #simplifybrandingmarketing Previous Next
- Wheelchair donations from Chair The Love
< Back Wheelchair donations from Chair The Love Sean Michaels Wheelchair donations from Chair The Love to those who suffer from a degenerative disease. Last week week we were able to provide a wheelchair to people who suffer from a degenerative disease and do not have the necessary resources to acquire one in the regions of San Miguel Peras, Pensamiento Liberal Mexicano y San Antonio Las Casas Zoquitlán. We thank Chair The Love for their contribution of the wheelchairs. #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #ApoyandoMexico #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow #ChairTheLove Previous Next
- Transversal Communities: Stage 2 of Embroidery Course (Tenencia Las Casas in Santa María)
< Back Transversal Communities: Stage 2 of Embroidery Course (Tenencia Las Casas in Santa María) Vidas y Suenos we continued with the second session of the embroidery course with textile painting application for Tenencia Las Casas in Santa María. This past weekend we continued with the second session of the embroidery course with textile painting application for Tenencia Las Casas in Santa María. We noticed that the beneficiaries have already mastered the basic technique of drawing and painting. We also saw progress in teamwork as they help each other to make their designs. In the learning process, the integration of the children was great to see as they repeated their mother's strokes and experience the creative process. We also saw how the children were learning to use their ingenuity in didactic games. We end the course with the presentiation of their work. Once again, they captured elements of their natural environment in their designs. #ApoyandoMexico #helpinghands #comunidad #helpingmexico #oaxacamexico #communityservice #givingbackfeelsgood #yaxeoaxaca #lascasasoaxaca #anahuacoaxaca #sanmiguelperasoaxaca #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow #simplifybrandingmarketing Previous Next
- Rainwater Harvesting Project: 2nd Visit and 1st Round of Water Tanks
< Back Rainwater Harvesting Project: 2nd Visit and 1st Round of Water Tanks Vidas y Suenos 2nd Visit for meetings and first round of water tanks have arrived! The purpose of these work meetings with personnel from the Department of Gender Justice of the Secretary of Women's Affairs is to carry out joint activities for the benefit of the communities of San Miguel Peras. The first storage tanks were received and will be installed in the 30 homes of the neediest families in the community of Yaxe Ocotlán. The first 10 storage units arrived this to the facilities in the community of Yaxe Ocotlán. #ApoyandoMexico #helpinghands #comunidad #helpingmexico #oaxacamexico #communityservice #givingbackfeelsgood #yaxeoaxaca #lascasasoaxaca #anahuacoaxaca #sanmiguelperasoaxaca #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow Previous Next
- Transversal Communities: Stage 2 of Embroidery Course
< Back Transversal Communities: Stage 2 of Embroidery Course Vidas y Suenos We conducted our second stage of our embroidery course where we will improve our designs from first session. This past weekend we began the second stage of our embroidery course in San Antonio Las Casas. This time with the improvement of the pencil designs. Among the new designs is the Cicada, a common insect in Las Casas during the hottest season, between March and June. In this stage of innovation, the beneficiaries learned to apply textile paint to their napkins. Thus, the elaboration can include the mixed technique of embroidery and painting. At the end of the course, some of the beneficiaries presented their textile drawings. #ApoyandoMexico #helpinghands #comunidad #helpingmexico #oaxacamexico #communityservice #givingbackfeelsgood #yaxeoaxaca #lascasasoaxaca #anahuacoaxaca #sanmiguelperasoaxaca #mexico #ayudandoméxico #vidasysueños #Oaxaca #comunidad #PuebloMexicano #donations #nonprofit #charity #abettertomorrow #simplifybrandingmarketing Previous Next