About Us
"Creating Meaningful Impact"
The Association of "Vidas y Sueños" begins way back in April, 1997 as the “Asociación Civil Niño a Niño”, a non-profit organization, with the main purpose to improving the conditions of indigenous children through programs promoting good nutrition and healthly habits.
In 2018, Asociación Civil Niño a Niño became “Vidas y Sueños”, This time expanding the scope of services to families living in vulnerable rural communities, by implementing sustainability programs with the implementation of workshops that teaches families the right skills to exploit local resources into economic generators of family income; such as herbs in the form of ointments, shampoos, soaps, tinctures; pochote plants into pillows and clothing. These products can be sold at local markets generating income for their families. In addition, the installment of rain harvesting systems is providing families with their own water to meet their personal needs and plant gardens

Communites Involved
The communities that benefit from "Vidas y Sueños" are found through out the state of Oaxaca. Our programs are tailored to benefit each age group in the communities, from children and parents through the elderly.
The Local Communities:
Municipio de San Miguel Peras
Agencia Municipal de Pensamiento Liberal Mexicano
Agencia Municipal de El Temascal
Agencia de Policía de La Brujería
Núcleo Rural de la Lobera
Núcleo Rural de El Manzanito
Agencia Municipal de Soledad Peras
San Nicolás Yaxé Ocotlán
San Antonio las Casas, Zoquitlán
Colonia Anáhuac, Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán